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The Name Is: Fei Fei !

Fei Fei







Chinese Meaning:-

This name can have a couple of different meanings!

It might signify fragrant, luxuriant, or lush.

In another context, it can represent the fall of snow or, it can mean to fly.

A Bit More About The Name:-

According to a study I found, there are at least 7,300 people in the world with this name. This means the name isn’t very popular, as those who have this name only make up 0.001% of the world’s population!

People Named Fei Fei That Were Famous In Their Own Right:-

A lady named Fei-Fei Li (who sometimes published under the name Li Fei-Fei) became famous as a professor of Computer Science at Stanford University. She is also known as one of the most prolific researchers in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI).

In addition to her research, she contributed a chapter to the book Architects of Intelligence: The Truth About AI From The People Building It.

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