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The Name Is: Erza.


Usage:- Japanese, Albanian, Hebrew, English, Arabic, African

Gender:- Masculine, Feminine

Pronunciation:- Er - Za

Meaning:- The name Erza has a variant, Ezra, and carries many meanings including "strong," "beautiful warrior," "oath of God," "beauty," "harmony," "helper," "assister," and "gifted," among others.

A Bit More About The Name:- It is rumored that there is a variant of the name that serves as an abbreviation for Azaryahu, which is translated to mean "God helps."


People Named Erza That were Famous In Their Own Right:-

In our search to find someone with the name Erza, we were only to find our beloved Erza from Fairy Tail!

Though we love her, if you know of anyone that shares her name let us know!

Would you use the name Erza for a guy or a girl? Leave a comment for us to let us know your thoughts!

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