What Exactly is Kakigōri ?
Kakigōri (かき氷) is a delightful Japanese shaved ice dessert, typically flavored with syrup, sweeteners, and condensed milk.
The magic of Kakigōri starts with a hand-cranked machine that shaves a block of ice over a blade. Traditionally, this ice is made from pure mineral water sourced from natural springs and tempered to achieve just the right quality. Before refrigeration, the ice was stored in ice houses or mountain caves, making this treat extra special!
While it may seem similar to a snow cone, Kakigōri stands out with its fluffy, snow-like texture. It’s often enjoyed with a spoon, and the toppings take it to the next level! Popular flavors include strawberry, matcha (green tea), sweet plum, and even a clear syrup option. Shops often add condensed or evaporated milk for extra sweetness, and some get creative by including extras like ice cream, tapioca pearls, or sweetened red beans.
Kakigōri is a summer staple in Japan, found everywhere from street stalls and festivals to convenience stores and specialized dessert parlors. During summer, you might spot the traditional flag with the kanji for ice, kōri (氷), outside shops—a sign they serve this refreshing treat!
Whether you’re visiting Japan or looking for a taste of summer at home, Kakigōri is an experience you won’t want to miss!
Is There A History Behind Them?
Kakigōri, the beloved Japanese shaved ice dessert, has a rich history dating back to the Heian period (794–1185). During the colder months, blocks of ice were carefully stored and later shaved to create this refreshing treat, which was served with sweet syrup and reserved for the Japanese aristocracy.
In the 19th century, Kakigōri became a summertime delight for everyone when ice became more widely available. The first dedicated Kakigōri store is believed to have opened in Yokohama in 1869, marking the start of its popularity among the general public.
Did you know July 25th is Kakigōri Day in Japan? The date was chosen because its pronunciation sounds similar to "summer ice" in Japanese, and it commemorates a record-high temperature set in 1933. It’s the perfect day to celebrate this iconic treat!
Whether you’re enjoying Kakigōri for its history or its delicious flavors, this dessert is a testament to the evolution of Japanese culture.
So What Are The Health Benefits of Kakigōri (かき氷)?
Kakigōri isn’t just a delicious dessert—it also offers surprising nutritional benefits! Packed with protein, fat, carbohydrates, dietary fiber, minerals, and vitamins, it’s a refreshing way to add a little goodness to your diet.
One of the most popular varieties is Kinako Kakigōri, made with roasted soybean flour (kinako), a healthy and flavorful ingredient widely used in Japan. It adds a nutty taste and nutritional boost, making it a standout choice among Kakigōri options.
And if the health benefits aren’t enough, Kakigōri is simply the perfect dessert to cool down on a scorching summer day. Delicious, refreshing, and fun—what’s not to love?
Enjoy this iconic Japanese treat and savor every spoonful!
Here Is A Quick And Easy Recipe For You To Try It Out At Home!
Our recipe shout out goes out to Japanese Cooking101! In order to take a look at their recipe, Click Here!
Dōzo omeshiagarikudasai!! (enjoy your meal!)