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The Name Is: Harribel.

Tier Halibel from Bleach

Usage:- Spanish, English, Dutch, Jewish, Japanese

Gender:- Unknown

Pronunciation:- Hah- Lee- Bell

Meaning:- In its Dutch form, this name means "Gift of the Sea."

People Named Harribel That Are Famous In Their Own Right:-

In my research, the only well-known person with this name is the calm and level-headed Arrancar named Tier Harribel from the anime Bleach!

Don't mistake her calm demeanor for weakness, though—she can be quite brutal when crossed. Despite this, she doesn’t believe in killing others for power and prefers quiet observation.

I won't give away any spoilers, but if you watch Bleach, you'll see exactly what I mean!

What do you guys think? Do you like the name Harribel ?

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